Our Kin Genealogy

Haney, White & Dean Families


John Manuel Haney

This family search started just like a lot of others . . . a little bit late; after my father, Virgil Lee Haney, passed away in 1999. Since then I have visited with and emailed several family members, as well as have met cousins on the internet while they were doing family research also. Sharing of information is what this site is made from.

As I have done a lot of the "computer" leg work, Cousin Tim (from Buffalo) has done the majority of the "real" leg work.
Thank you Tim!

This page starts with my grandparents. Enjoy! Ginny

John M. Haney

John Manuel Haney was born on July 9, 1872 and died at the age of 72 on June 13, 1945. He is buried in the Conway Baptist Cemetery on S. Myrtle Street in Conway, Missouri. His headstone shows he died in 1944 which is an error, he died a couple weeks before his daughter Wilma was born in June 1945.

John's parents are John Thomas Haney and Tilitha Elizabeth Philyaw. His siblings are William, Wallace, Ellen, Joseph, James, Elizabeth, Henry and Katherine. John Manuel was their 7th child.

John was married 3 times and had 11 children. He couldn't read or write and made a living cutting wood and making rail road ties. He was also hard of hearing. John was married to Martha when he died in 1945 from hardening of the arteries, stomach problems and emphysema. His wives and children are:

  1. Flora Poorman (b-9/28/1881 - d-4/22/1937) (55)
  1. (William) Francis Haney (b-2/24/1898 - d-4/20/1955) (57)
  2. Josey E. Haney (b-2/13/1902 - d-1954) (52)
  3. Floyd M. Haney (b-2/14/1907 - d-2/11/1969) (62)
  1. Sarah Ann White (b-9/7/1898 - d-6/19/1920) (21)
  1. Mary Ellen Haney (b-3/4/1919 - d-10/10/1998) (79)
  1. Martha Ellen White (b-6/22/1902 - d-7/4/1952) (50)
  1. Ruby Mae Haney (b-2/24/1923 - d-3/15/1995) (71)
  2. John Henry Haney (b-4/16/1925 - d-4/14/2010) (84)
  3. Charlie Edward Haney (b-7/21/1927 - d-6/3/1972) (44)
  4. Virgil Lee Haney (b-5/11/1932 - d-1/21/1999) (66)
  5. Hershel Matthew Haney (b-2/26/1934 - d-3/3/1983) (49)
  6. Norma Lou Haney (b-4/5/1940 - d-8/12/2013) (73)
  7. Wilma Marie Haney (b-6/25/1945 - d-6/2/2004) (58)

Extended members of Haney, White & Dean families
Family Pictures
Links of Interest on various family websites and genealogy search engines

PLEASE NOTE: The majority of this information is being put together from family memories, documents and information found on the internet, this is to be considered a work in progress and will be updated as new information is obtained. Not all information has been verified with documented sources, so please email for confirmation before using any names and dates elsewhere.

DEAR FAMILY -- This website has been PARTIALLY updated, please send an email or call if you find mistakes, have updates, would like to share stories or would like any information removed. I will gladly update any information shared. I would love to hear from you. Ginny

Partial Update: 05/2020