
Norma Lou Haney

1940 - 2013



Norma was John & Martha's sixth child. John died when Norma was 5.

Hershel, Norma and Wilma were still living with Martha when Nathan (Martha's third husband) decided to move the family to Clarinda, Iowa. They left Hershel behind and hitchhiked there.  Nathan was not a good husband to Martha or a good father to the girls. Martha had been working in someone's yard when she said she wasn't feeling well. They told her to go in and lay down for a thing Norma saw a hearse come and pick her up. When Martha died on July 4, 1952, she was 50 and Norma (11) and Wilma (6) were still living with her. None of the siblings were able to take Norma and Wilma in to live with them, so the state stepped in and put them in an orphanage in Toledo Iowa. Within a year both girls were adopted by Norton & Charlotte Harden and moved to Burlington then to Morrison Illinois.

Norma stayed until she turned 16, her brother, Virgil, and his friend, Dean Mitchell went to Illinois to pick up Norma and brought her west to Longview, Washington where most of the other siblings were. Norma went on to marry Fred Mitchell (Dean's brother).

Norma Lou Haney Mitchell (b-4/5/1940 - d-8/12/2013))
married 6/6/1959 Fred Mitchell (b-2/2/1935) - 3 children

  1. Darryl Mitchell (b-7/21/1960)

  2. Terry (Mitch) Mitchell (b-8/13/1961)

  3. Sheryl Mitchell (b-5/24/1963)




Terry, Darrell & Sheryl


