1952 -- John

John Lee Haney

1952 - Living



John was Virgil & Faye's first child and only son.

John grew up in Longview Washington. He was always inventive. One time he and Ginny went smelt dipping, caught hundreds of smelt in the Columbia River, took them home and as Ginny cleaned them, John finished building the smoke house, they were going to make a bunch of money -- they all burned! One July 4th he made his own fire works, he was almost done and they blew up in his hands, this time he ended up in emergency. John joined the Navy after high school and somewhere along the line he met Joy and moved to Duncan Oklahoma. They married and had two boys. Later they divorced. By trade John is a machinist.

John believes strongly in the 2nd amendment. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." John was arrested and sent to prison for 33 months in trying to get the Supreme Court to respond to the debate as to exactly whose right it is to "keep and bear" firearms. John has since been released and is still fighting the battle to protect our rights.

Papers John has written:

If you would like more info just send me an email

John Lee Haney (b-8/12/1952)
married Deborah Joy - 2 children - divorced

  1. Raymond Haney (b-9/15/1979)

  2. David Haney (b-10/22/1981)
    married 9/28/2002 Jana Danielle Bumpas

    1. Kadynce Danielle Haney (b-9/20/2004)


June 1954 -- John holding Ginny just home from the hospital

1971 -- U.S. Navy

1982 -- Virgil & Leanne at John's in Oklahoma

August 1997


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