
Linda Haney

1946 - Living



Linda is John & Ruby's first child and only daughter.

She currently lives in West Plains and owns and rents several houses. Linda loves gardening, her cats and grandchildren.

Linda Haney Clark Collins (b-2/3/1946)
married Kenneth Clark - 2 children - divorced
married (Harold) Dean Collins - 1 child - deceased 3/28/1997

  1. Darrell Clark (b-3/27/1968) - Landscaper
    married Shirlee Altis (b-1965)

    1. Samantha (b-8/6/1992)

    2. Taylor (b-1/21/1995)

  2. Bradley Clark (b-11/22/1972) - Restaurant Manager
    married Julie Young

    1. Ashlie (b-1/31/1992)

    2. Brenden (b-8/15/2002)

  3. Clayton Collins (b-8/14/1977) - Building Contractor





June 2002





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